目的:分析和讨论腹腔镜胆囊切除术(Laparoscopic cholecystectomy,LC)并发症的发生原因、预防和处理措施。方法:回顾分析2003~2012年我院2 031例患者施行LC的临床资料。结果:并发症总例数22例,占1.08%,术中胆总管损伤4例(0.20%),胆漏9例(0.44%),术后腹腔出血5例(0.25%),术后胆总管残石2例,术中胃穿孔1例,术后剑突下戳孔疝1例,均通过保守或再次手术痊愈。2003~2007年完成LC手术951例,并发症总数14例,占比1.47%;2008~2012年完成LC手术1 080例,并发症总数8例,占比0.74%。结论:LC是治疗胆囊结石、胆囊息肉的理想安全术式,胆漏、胆管损伤及腹腔出血是LC的主要并发症,并发症的发生主要与操作者的手术操作熟练程度、经验、技巧有关,加强操作培训,加强胆囊三角解剖辨认,以及及时发现、早期处理是防治LC并发症重要措施。
Objective: To analyze and discuss the causes and prevention of the complications of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC), and the corresponding measures of treating the complications. Methods: Retrospective analysis of clinical data of 2 031 patients who were treated with LC from 2003 to 2012 in our hospital. Results: There were 22 complications totally, accounting for 1.08%, 4 cases of bile duct injury during operation (0.20%), 9 cases &bile leakage (0.44%), 5 cases of intra-abdominal hemorrhage after operation (0.25%), 2 cases of bile duct residual stone after operation, 1 case of gastric perforation during operation, and I case of hernia by xiphoid process stabbing after operation. All of the complications were cured by conservative treatment and re-operations. 951 operations of LC were conducted from 2003 to 2007, there were 14 cases of complications totally, accounted for 1.47%; 1 080 LC operations from 2007 to 2012, 8 cases of complications totally, accounted for 0.74%. Conclusion: LC is an ideally safe operation for treating gallbladder stones and gallbladder polyps, bile leakage, bile duct injury and abdominal bleeding are the major complications of LC, the complications mainly relate to the operation proficiency, experience, skills, to strengthen the operation training and the identification of anatomy of Calot's triangle, to detect timely, and to deal with complications early are important measures to prevent and treat the complications of LC.
Practical Clinical Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine