Piver Ⅲ型宫颈癌根治术,即广泛性子宫切除+盆腔淋巴结清扫术后的宫颈癌患者,5年生存率达90%,但膀胱功能障碍、直肠功能紊乱及性功能受损是其常见的手术并发症。究其原因是广泛性子宫切除术时损伤了盆腔自主神经,因此,如何在保证根治性手术达到肿瘤学安全的前提下保留患者的盆腔自主神经,是妇科肿瘤工作者的研究方向和热点。
Piver III cervical cancer radical operation, that is extensive hysterectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection is the classic op-eration for treatment of early cervical cancer with 90%5-year postoperative survival rate.But it is common in patients with postopera-tive complications with bladder dysfunction, rectal dysfunction and impaired sexual function, etc.The reason is extensive hysterectomy made pelvic autonomic nerve injured.Therefore, how to ensure the safety of the radical surgery to oncology patients under the premise of pelvic autonomic nerve preservation, is a research direction and focus in the gynecologic tumor workers.
Journal of Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine