
全球营销战略均衡困境述评及理论模型 被引量:2

Literature Review on Trade-off Dilemma of Global Marketing Strategy and Its Theoretical Framework
摘要 全球营销战略历来面临标准化与适应性的均衡困境。在全球营销战略标准化与适应性之争持续50年之际,对该课题研究进行综述。文章基于各主张的潜在假设引入偏好全球趋同的概念,提出以现代化、身份认同、自我构念为影响因素,行业为调节因素,以需求-战略适配性为核心构念的概念模型和相关假设,运用现代化理论、消费者文化理论阐述偏好全球趋同的影响因素,基于战略的环境适应观和公司能力观提出需求-战略适配性对公司绩效的影响机制。 Global marketing strategy is still in the face of trade-off dilemma between standardization and adaptation. At the time when the dispute has lasted for 50 years, this study conducted a literature review. Based on the assumption of different arguments,heterogeneity or homogeneity of demand,this paper introduced the concept of preferential global convergence, and proposed a conceptual framework and related hypotheses, with modernization, identity and self-construal as anteced?ents,industry as moderating factor and demand-strategy fit as the key construct. This conceptual framework has a theoretical foundation of modernization theory, consumer culture theory, environment adaptation perspective and corporate capability perspective. The influencing mechanism is also proposed between demand-strategy fit and corporate performance.
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第7期143-149,共7页 East China Economic Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71172034 71402091) 上海市哲学社会科学规划基金项目(2013EGL007) 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(14YJC630066)
关键词 全球营销战略 标准化 适应性 趋同 需求-战略适配 global marketing strategy standardization adaptation convergence demand-strategy fit
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