Hunting Tigers and Flies是中国文化的英语表达,分析其中的英语修辞有助于提高中国文化的英语表达能力.英语修辞格Syllepsis和Zeugma是英语中常用的修辞格,二者形似而质不同.一语双叙是建立在一词多义的基础之上,由一个支配词同时支配两个及以上的被支配词;轭式搭配中则一搭配为规范搭配,另一搭配为非常规搭配,需借用前一搭配的规范性顺势而为,取得语义上的可理解性.掌握Syllepsis与Zeugma的修辞特点,有助于提高英语语言文学鉴赏能力及中国文化的英语表达能力.
"Hunting Tigers and Flies" is a Chinese phrase expressed in English. The analysis of the figures of speech used in the expression would enhance the ability of expressing Chinese culture in English among college students. Syllepsis and Zeugma are two different figures of speech with a lot in common. Syllepsis is on the base of polysemy, with all collocations grammatically and syntactically acceptable. Zeugma is the use of word to modify or govern two or more words, but it makes sense with only one of which it seems logically connected. Analysis on and master of the rhetorical features of syllepsis and zeugma would help us evaluate English language and English literature, and help us express Chinese culture in English.
Journal of Jining University