
基于高速实车驾驶数据的驾驶人跟车模型研究 被引量:23

A Study on Driver's Vehicle-following Model Based on High Speed Real Driving Data
摘要 通过实车试验采集驾驶人在高速公路的跟车数据,分析了跟车过程中加速、稳速和减速阶段的划分标准,探讨了稳速跟车阶段驾驶人的期望跟车间距与跟车速度之间的关系,建立期望间距跟车模型,并与自适应巡航控制(ACC)系统所用的安全距离模型进行对比。结果表明:加速和减速阶段,驾驶人的反应并非对称,加速阶段的车辆状态变化更频繁;在稳速跟车阶段,驾驶人的期望跟车间距随车速的升高而增加;与安全距离模型相比,所建立的期望间距跟车模型更符合驾驶人跟车习惯。 The vehicle-following data of drivers are collected on expressway by real vehicle test, and the criteria for classifying the acceleration, deceleration an stable speed phases are analyzed. The relationship between driver's desired inter-vehicle distance and vehicle-following speed in stable-speed phase is explored, and a vehiclefollowing model based on desired inter-vehicle distance is established and compared with safe distance model used in adaptive cruise control system. The results indicates that in acceleration and deceleration phases, driver's response is not symmetrical, and the vehicle state changes more frequently in acceleration phase; while in stable-speed phase, the driver's desired inter-vehicle distance increases with vehicle speed. It is shown that the presented vehicle-following model based on desired inter-vehicle distance is more in accordance with drivers' driving habits.
出处 《汽车工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期679-685,共7页 Automotive Engineering
基金 教育部创新团队支持计划(IRT1286) 国家自然科学基金(61374196和61473046) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(CHD2012TD006)资助
关键词 交通安全 跟车 稳速阶段 期望跟车间距 反应时间 驾驶人 traffic safety vehicle-following stable-speed phase desired inter-vehicle distance reactiontime driver
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