
基于SWRL的梨树病害领域本体隐含关系挖掘 被引量:1

Mining of Implicit Relations for Pear Diseases Domain Ontology Based on SWRL
摘要 针对梨树病害领域本体的构建、推理及完善,本文提出了基于SWRL的梨树病害领域本体的构建方法,该方法包括确定梨树病害领域的核心概念集、添加概念的属性及概念之间的关系、添加概念的实例、表示领域本体四个步骤;此外,还设计了一系列SWRL规则,使用Jess推理引擎,建立了SWRL规则的推理机制,通过推理的方法实现了自动挖掘梨树病害领域本体的隐含关系,从而完善梨树病害领域本体。 Aiming to build, reason and perfect pear disease domain ontology, a build approach was proposed based on SWRL. The approach was consisted of confirming core concepts, the properties of added con- cepts and the relationships between concepts, the instances of added concepts and representing domain ontolo- gy. In addition, SWRL rules were designed, SWRL reasoning mechanism was established by Jess reasoning engine. Finally, implicit relationships were mined and diseases domain ontology was renewed by reasoning.
出处 《山东农业科学》 2015年第6期125-128,共4页 Shandong Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家农业信息化工程技术研究中心重点开放实验室开放课题(NERCITA-KFKT2013-001) 山东省2013年度农业重大应用技术创新课题
关键词 SWRL规则 梨树病害 领域本体 隐含关系 自动挖掘 SWRL rule Pear disease Domain ontology Implicit relation Automatic mining
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