以四川省数字测震台网台站数据通信为例,详细分析了致使台站数据通信质量严重下降的具体原因,发现了CDMA 1x数据通信网络在应用中存在的问题,原因是台站无线数据通信链路实际通信带宽不足,当地震记录数据特有的数据量瞬间爆发式增长时容易造成无线段网络拥塞、挂死。在通信网络进行3G升级后,根据无线数据通信日常需求,注重单个数据包较小、总量较大时的快速数据包交换量,对特大数据包支持降低,易丢包。针对CDMA 1x数据通信网络的先天不足,引入3G(CDMA2000 EV-DO)技术完成台站通信系统升级,能够有效提高台站数据通信质量。
According to the communication situation of the digital seismic observation network of Sichuan Province, we analyze in detail the specific problems which cause the data communication quality through the network to de- cline seriously. We find that there is no enough bandwidth with the CDMA lx in the data communication in every seismic stations. When the seismic data communication amount increases sharply in a short time, the network is congested and the data transmission task is halted. With the development of network technique, the third generation network technique is widely used in the seismic data communication. But the big data package causes the losing problem often. In order to solve these problems we use the 3G CDMA2000 EV-DO to update the data communica- tion and to improve the quality of data communication among the seismic stations.
Earthquake Research in Sichuan
中国地震局监测预报司测震台网青年骨干专项课题:"3G VPDN网络应用于烈度速报与预警台网的可用性测试研究"