
地坑滤网化学效应研究方案比较和进展 被引量:2

Experiment Study on Chemical Effects in Containment Sump Fluids
摘要 本文从核电厂安全壳地坑滤网化学效应研究的必要性出发,介绍了国外近期的相关研究状况,并就国内某研究院针对国内典型核电机组地坑滤网化学效应的试验方案与国际上的相关方案进行比较,在试验与核电厂的适应性上进行了多方面分析,并对试验的结论给出了正面评价并对后续核安全相关工作提出了具体建议。 From the necessity of nuclear power plant containment sump filter chemical effect research, the article introduces the recent related researches abroad, then compares a domestic institute test scheme for a domestic unit in sump filter chemical effect and correlation schemes on the international. In many aspects, the article analyze the adaptability of the test and the nuclear power plant, and draws a positive conclusions on the test. Finally the optimization suggestions on the later work are put forward.
出处 《核安全》 2015年第2期35-41,共7页 Nuclear Safety
基金 大型压水堆及高温气冷堆核电站国家科技重大专项之CAP1400安全评审技术及独立验证试验 项目编号2011ZX06002-010
关键词 地坑滤网 化学效应 试验 核电厂 核安全 sump filter: chemical effects experimental design nuclear power plants: nuclear safety
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