政策策略的“变”与“不变”是事关大局的重大课题 ,也是邓小平理论的重要组成部分 ,更是其唯物辩证法思想的集中体现。以之为着眼点 ,详细分析其具体内容、层次特性、辩证关系、判断标准等内容 ,既能够深化对邓小平理论的辩证特质的认识和把握 ,更可以为我们制定政策、解决现实问题提供方法论的指导。
Change'and 'unchange' of policy is not only an important problem, but also an important part of Deng Xiao ping's theory, and the focus of its dialectical materialism. Based on this in the article, the writers have analysed its content, characteristic dialectical logic and standard in order to master his theory and furnish methodology for making policies and solving practical problems.
Journal of Sichuan Teachers College (Philosophy & Social Science)