

Nursing Experience of Anastomosis Fistula in Postoperative Patients with Cardiac Cancer
摘要 目的简要的探讨分析对贲门癌术后并发吻合口瘘的患者进行护理的一些方法以及临床疗效的研究。方法选取2012年11月至2014年11月在我院进行贲门癌根治术后,并发吻合口瘘的患者15例为研究对象。为这些患者从早期预防、胃肠减压护理、静脉输液护理、胸腔闭式引流管护理、营养护理及心理护理等几个方面来进行临床的护理,并且观察患者的护理效果。结果通过对选取为研究对象的患者进行科学系统的临床护理之后,在这些患者之中,有13例患者经过科学系统的治疗和护理之后完全痊愈,其中有2例患者死于重度感染,这些患者的治疗总治愈率达到89.4%。结论对贲门癌术后并发吻合口瘘的患者进行科学系统积极有效地治疗和护理能极大地降低贲门癌术后患者发生吻合口瘘的概率和病死率,这种方法应该在临床上被广泛的推广开来。 Objective To discuss briefly analysis of cardia cancer patients complicated with anastomotic fistula in postoperative nursing care of some of the methods and clinical curative effect of study. Methods From November 2012 to November 2014 cardia cancer radical surgery in our hospital during the period, 15 patients with complicated with anastomotic fistula as the research object. From early prevention, gastrointestinal decompression for these patients nursing, intravenous fluids, the chest closed drainage tube care, nutrition care, and psychological nursing to this a few aspects, such as clinical care, and observe the patient's nursing effect. Results Through the selection of patients as the research object for scientific system of clinical care, among these patients, 13 patients were fully recovered after scientific system of treatment and nursing, including 2 cases died of severe infection, the total cure rate up to 89.4% of these patients. Conclusion The cardia cancer patients complicated with anastomotic fistula in postoperative active and effective treatment and nursing science system can greatly reduce the risk of cardiac carcinoma in patients with postoperative anastomotic fistula and mortality, this method should be widely popularized in labor.
出处 《中国医药指南》 2015年第17期34-35,共2页 Guide of China Medicine
关键词 贲门癌 吻合口痿 患者 护理 Cardia carcinoma Anastomotic fistula Patients Nursing
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