基于超声ELID复合磨削的运动特性建立简单的超声ELID复合磨削模型,并对砂轮表面的磨粒在内圆磨削过程中的运动特性进行了系统分析。根据磨粒的运动特点建立了单颗磨粒运动轨迹的数学表达式,并应用MATLAB软件建立了单颗磨粒运动轨迹模型,重点分析了单颗磨粒运动轨迹在内圆磨削过程中对工件材料去除率及工件表面质量的影响。采用对比试验加以分析,对Zr O2陶瓷分别进行了超声ELID复合磨削和普通ELID磨削,试验结果表明超声ELID复合磨削较普通ELID磨削具有更高的加工效率和良好的表面质量。
The kinematics characteristics of the ultrasonic and ELID composite grinding is analyzed. A simple model of the ultrasonic and ELID composite grinding is founded. Then the kinematics characteristics of diamond grits on the sur- face of the grinding wheel in the internal grinding process is analyzed systematacially, the mathematical expressions of the trajectory of the single abrasive grit are established, and the trajectory model of the single abrasive grit is founded. The in- fluence of the single grain trajectory on material removal rate and surface quality is analyzed seriously in the process of grinding. The comparison task is experimented between the ultrasonic and ELID composite grinding and ELID grinding on ZrO2 ceramic. The experimental resuhs show that the ultrasonic and ELID composite grinding has higher machining effi- ciency and good surface quality than ELID grinding.
Tool Engineering