[Obj ective]The aim of the study was to evaluate the adaption of wetland ecosystem toclimate change.This can provide references for decision-making in wetland management and thesustainable construction of wetland.[Method]The water resource,ecological,social and economicsystems were used as the subsystems to evaluate of the adaption of Panj in wetland to climatechange.Based on the built indicator system of assessment,the determinative weight valuesof the factors were determined using the AHP analytical method.Fuzzy comprehension evaluationmethod was used to determine the adaption values.[Results]Adaption ability of Panj in wetlandwas in medium level.There was a significant differences between subsystems.Among these,theadaption of ecological system was greatly affected by negative factors which were similar to thewhole.The adaption of water resource system was also greatly affected by negative factors andthis subsystem was in a poorer state.However,social and economic systems were less affected bynegative factors and gradually adapt to climate change.[Conclusion]To improve the adaption ofPanj in wetland to climate change,adaptive management is needed badly.
Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University