
布雷阿尔之谜:澄清语义学史上的一些讹误 被引量:1

The Puzzle of Michel Bréal:Clarification on some misunderstandings in Semantics History
摘要 本文基于一手资料和相关背景,澄清语义学史上的一些讹误。(1)法语术语sémantique,始见于布雷阿尔1879年的书信,1883年在演讲中公开使用。1897年所刊专著的书名汉译为《语义学探索(意义的科学)》。(2)从布雷阿尔新创sémantique到美国威廉斯(1893)用英语对译semantics,在帕尔默(1976)的论述中尚未明晰,由此导致中国语言学界以讹传讹。(3)布雷阿尔担任巴黎语言学会秘书48年,对国际语言学界作出了巨大贡献。 Based on the first-hand literature and relevant background information, this paper aims to clarify some misunderstandings in Semantics history. (1) The term of "semantique" appeared in Breal' s correspondence in 1879, and was publically used in one speech in 1883 for the first time. The Chinese transla- tion was Yuyixue tansuo ( yiyide kexue) for the title of his monologue in 1897. (2) From the French term "semantique" coined by Br6al to Williams' equivalent English translation "semantics", these issues were not explicitly stated in Palmer (1976). As a consequence, Chinese linguists have been wrongly informed. (3) Breal served as the Secretary in Societe deLinguistique de Paris for 48 years. He made a great contribution to international linguistic studies.
作者 刘慧 李葆嘉
出处 《山东外语教学》 2015年第3期8-20,共13页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
基金 国家社科基金项目"互动-共享型汉语幼儿会话语言知识库研究"(13BYY095)的阶段性成果
关键词 语义学史 讹误 布雷阿尔 语义学探索 贡献 Semantics history misunderstandings Breal Semantics exploration contribution
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