未遂事件是事故演化路径的中止状态,研究未遂事件管理方法,可有效防控事故发生。给出了长输管道未遂事件分级界定因素,提出专门的长输油气管道未遂事件上报管理流程和不安全事件领结图(Bow-tie)分析结果,从控制管道自身安全性和预防事件后果两方面给出安全措施。结合管道未遂事件演化特征,采用SQL Sever 2008与Visual Basic 2010设计和开发了长输管道未遂事件管理系统,将系统划分为用户管理模块、信息管理模块、管道信息模块、教育培训模块等。未遂事件管理是风险管理体系的重要内容,加强长输油气管道未遂事件管理能够有效降低事故风险水平,提高管道风险评估效能和事故应急能力。
Near-miss is a suspended state of accident evolution. A near-miss management solution can be designed to effectively prevent and control accidents. This paper firstly gives the elements to classify and define the near-misses related to long-distance pipeline. Then, for long-distance oil and gas pipeline, the specific near-miss reporting and management procedure and unsafe events Bow-tie analysis results are proposed; according to risk analysis results, safety measures are put forward from two aspects, including controlling safety of pipeline itself and preventing event consequence. Finally, considering the near-miss characters, SQL Sever 2008 and Visual Basic 2010 are adopted to design and develop the nearmiss management system for long-distance oil and gas pipelines. The system is divided into several modules, i.e. user management, information management, pipeline information, and education training. The study shows that near-miss management is a critical part of risk management system, and it can be strengthened to effectively reduce the risk level and improve efficiency of pipeline risk assessment and emergency response.
Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation