
窄谱强脉冲光治疗烧伤瘢痕的疗效评价 被引量:12

Evaluation of Narrow-spectrum Intense Pulsed Light for the Treatment of Burn Scar
摘要 目的 观察窄谱强脉冲光(DPL)治疗烧伤瘢痕的有效性和安全性。方法 2014年5月至2015年2月,采用DPL(500~600 nm)窄谱强脉冲光治疗烧伤瘢痕患者37例(48处),根据瘢痕颜色及治疗即刻反应设置治疗参数,治疗间期4~6周。结果 显效19处,有效26处,无效3处,总有效率为93.75%。不良反应包括皮肤水肿、水疱和短期色素沉着。结论 窄谱强脉冲光(DPL)治疗烧伤瘢痕疗效确切,安全性高。 Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of narrow-spectrum intense pulsed light for the treatment of burn scar. Methods From May 2014 to February 2015, 37 cases with burn scar (48 places) were treated with narrow- spectrum intense pulsed light (DPL, 500-600 nm). The treatment parameter was set up according to the color of the scar and the immediate vessel responses. The treatment interval was 4-6 months. Results Nineteen scars had significant improvement, 26 scars had moderate improvement, and 3 scars had no improvement. The effective rate was 93.75%. Adverse effects included transient erythema, blister and transient PIH. Conclusion The narrow-spectrum intense pulsed light can be considered as an effective and safe method for the treatment of burn scar.
出处 《组织工程与重建外科杂志》 2015年第3期196-198,共3页 Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery
关键词 窄谱强脉冲光 烧伤瘢痕 增生性瘢痕 个性化治疗 Narrow-spectrum intense pulsed light Burn scar Hypertrophic scar Personalized treatment
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