Urban areas and their transportation and reforming. Entering a new development stage, systems are undergoing a period of rapid development urban transportation is experiencing changes in concept and objectives as well as in system, methodologies, contents and extension. A new round of long-term ur- ban planning will be launched soon in China. The future development principles for cities and their trans- portation systems will be different from the one used in the last twenty years. To effectively guide the plan- ning, it is necessary to reform planning concept, development constraints and planning techniques, and to standardize the planning and development procedures to reflect reform ideas. The ongoing specification of Urban Comprehensive Transportation Planning is aimed to provide the guidelines for urban planning in the new era. This specification stresses innovation and new ideas that presents the new development trends since the old planning ideologies used in the past could mislead the development in the new era. The pa- pers in this and subsequent issues will share the thoughts on the reform and standardization in urban trans- portation development in recent years in order to initiate more discussions, which can serve as the basis for the specification development.
Urban Transport of China