
不同覆盖栽培方式下四川盆地西缘玉米地土壤水温效应研究 被引量:12

Effect of Mulching and Cultivation Patterns on Soil Temperature and Soil Water of Maize in Western Edge of Sichuan Basin, China
摘要 在四川盆地西缘,通过2年(2009、2011)田间试验,探讨了平作无覆盖(CT+NM)、平作秸秆覆盖(CT+SM)、平作地膜覆盖膜侧栽培(CT+PAPF)、平作地膜覆盖膜上栽培(CT+POPF)、垄作地膜覆盖膜侧栽培(RT+PAPF)、垄作地膜覆盖膜上栽培(RT+POPF)等6种覆盖栽培方式对玉米地土壤水分、温度的影响。结果表明:①8:00、14:00和18:00时,各生育期10cm土温均是RT+POPF〉CT+POPF〉RT+PAPF〉CT+PAPF〉CT+NM。8:00时覆盖、垄作表现出明显的保温作用,保温效果是膜上栽培优于膜侧栽培,垄作优于平作,覆盖优于无覆盖;14:00和18:00时,各处理10cm土温都明显增大,增温效果是垄作、膜上栽培大于平作、膜侧栽培。秸秆覆盖有稳定地温的作用,在气温明显下降时(夜晚)有保温作用,8:00时10cm土温相比CT+NM平均高0.5℃;气温明显升高时(白天,除降雨天)表现出降温作用,14:00时10cm土温比CT+NM平均低O.3℃,18:00时V12期之前、之后分别平均降温0.9℃、0.5℃。②在玉米整个生育期的不同阶段,0~20cm土壤水分含量均是RT+PAPF〉RT+POPF〉CT+SM〉CT+POPF〉CT+PAPF〉CT+NM,垄作较平作高10.0%,覆盖较无覆盖高11.4%,即垄作和覆盖有利于集水和保水。垄作条件下玉米膜侧栽培相比膜上栽培更有利于玉米行集水(土壤含水量RT+PAPF比RT+POPF高2.4%);而平作条件下秸秆覆盖的保水效果较地膜覆盖好(土壤含水量CT+SM较CT+POPF、CT+PAPF分别高2.4%、5.1%),膜上栽培的集水保水效果又优于膜侧栽培(土壤含水量CT+POPF比CT+PAPF高3.2%)。因此,在本研究区域玉米生产中,平作秸秆覆盖、垄作地膜覆盖膜侧栽培是最好的选择。 This study focused on the effects of six mulching and cultivation patterns on soil temperature and soil moisture by a 2-year (2009, 2011) field experiment conducted in Ya'an Experimental Farm of Sichuan Agricultural University in the western edge of Sichuan basin, China. Six patterns of mulching and cultivation included conventional tillage (CT) with no mulch (NM) marked as CT+NM, CT with straw mulching (SM) as CT+SM, CT with plastic film mulching and maize planting along the plastic films (PAPF) as CT+PAPF, CT with plastic film mulching and maize planting on the plastic films (POPF) as CT+POPF, ridge tillage (RT) with PAPF as RT+PAPF and RT with POPF as RT+POPF. The results showed that: 1) Soil temperature of 0-10 cm topsoil (10cm ST) at 8:00, 14:00 and 18:00 in each growth period were RT+POPF 〉 CT+POPF 〉 RT+PAPF 〉 CT+PAPF 〉 CT+NM. At 8:00 mulching and RT showed significant heat preservation and the effect of POPF was better than PAPF, RT was better than CT, mulching was better than NM; at 14:00 and 18:00 10 cm ST of each treatment increased obviously, the temperature raising effect of RT and POPF were higher than CT and PAPF. SM had the stable effect on ground temperature namely having heat preservation during the declining period of air temperature (night) as its 10 cm ST was higher averagely by 0.5℃ than CT+NM at 8:00; while it showed a decline in ground temperature for SM during the rising period of air temperature (daytime, except the raining day) as its 10cm ST was average 0.3℃ lower at 14:00 and average 0.9℃ lower before the period of V12 and 0.5℃ lower after the period of V12 at 18:00 than CT+NM. 2) Soil moisture content of the 0-20 cm soil layer (20 cm SMC) varied as RT+PAPF 〉 RT+POPF 〉 CT+SM 〉 CT+POPF 〉 CT+PAPF 〉 CT+NM in different growth stages during whole maize-growth period, RT and mulching helped collecting and maintaining soil water, 20 cm SMC of RT was higher by 10.0% than CT and that of mulching was higher by 11.4% than NM. There was a superiority of the collection of soil water for PAPF to POPF when with RT as 20 cm SMC of PAPF was higher by 2.4% than POPF, while when with CT there was a superiority of the maintain of soil water for SM to plastic films mulching (PFM) as 20 cm SMC of SM were higher by 2.4%, 5.1% than that of POPF and PAPF, respectively. Furthermore, there was a superiority of the collection and maintain of soil water for POPF to PAFM as 20cm SMC of POPF was higher by 3.2% than PAPF when with CT. In conclusion, CT+SM and RT+PAPF are the best choice for maize production in this research area.
出处 《土壤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期608-616,共9页 Soils
基金 国家现代农业玉米产业技术体系项目(CARS-02-24) 国家自然科学基金重大国际合(协)作项目(31210103906)资助
关键词 覆盖 垄作 玉米 土壤水分 土壤温度 Mulching Ridge tillage Maize Soil moisture Soil temperature
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