
美国“在家上学”运动与公立学校的应对 被引量:4

Homeschooling Movement and the Responses of Public Schools in America
摘要 美国"在家上学"运动的迅速发展给公立学校带来了挑战,它导致公立学校的优质生源大批流失,并对公立学校的经费来源构成了威胁。公立学校对"在家上学"运动的态度经历了从排斥到合作的过程。公立学校与"在家上学"开展合作的方式包括开放资源和设施、开发专门项目、为家长提供帮助和指导等。这种合作符合教育改革的趋势,学生、家长、公立学校和政府等相关主体均因此而受益。 The rapid development of Homeschooling Movement challenges public schools in the United States. It brings amounts of high-quality students from public schools, and threatens the funding resources of public schools. The attitude of public school towards homeschooling movement has experienced a course from rejection to cooperation. The cooperation approach includes open resources and facilities, develop special programs, provide support and guidance for parents, etc. The cooperation is in accordance with the trend of educational reform, bringing benefits for students, parents, public schools and government.
出处 《外国中小学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第7期14-18,7,共6页 Primary & Secondary Schooling Abroad
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目<当代西方国家"在家上学"运动研究>(项目编号:11YJC880108) 江苏大学"青年骨干教师培养工程"项目的研究成果
关键词 在家上学 家庭学校 公立学校 家庭教育 homeschooling home school public school parents
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