
人力资源管理与绩效关系调节效应研究综述——基于多层分析的视角 被引量:3

A summary of research on Human Resource Management:and Performance interaction moderation——from the perspective of multi layer analysis
摘要 本文对近年来人力资源管理与绩效关系的调节变量研究进行归纳和总结后发现,随着多层范式的广泛应用,两者间关系的调节变量已经不再局限于组织层面,许多研究开始关注组织外宏观层面的调节因素和组织内员工个体层面的调节因素,而三个层面的交互调节效应也成为学者们研究的焦点。因此,本文基于上述文献提出了人力资源管理与绩效关系调节变量研究的系统性框架,并展望了未来该领域的研究趋势。 After reviewing the studies in moderation effect on relationship between human resource management (HRM) and performance in recent years, this paper found that researchers were no longer confined to the organizational moderators. Because of the prevalence of multi-level paradigm, a number of studies began to pay close attention to the macro and individual level moderators. In consequence of the popularity of cross-level approach, some studies began to focus on the interactive moderation effect between the three levels. Therefore, this article proposed a framework of studies on moderators between HRM and performance, and prospected the future research trend of this field.
出处 《上海管理科学》 2015年第3期92-96,共5页 Shanghai Management Science
关键词 人力资源管理 绩效 调节效应 多层分析 HRM perfomance moderation effect crosslevel approach
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