

Optimization of genipin liposome by Box-Behnken design and response surface method
摘要 目的采用Box-Behnken效应面法,优化京尼平脂质体处方。方法采用乙醚注入法制备京尼平脂质体,以大豆卵磷脂(PC)与胆固醇质量比(X1)、脂类与京尼平质量比(X2)、磷脂质量浓度(X3)为考察对象,包封率(Y1)为评价指标,筛选京尼平脂质体的最佳处方。结果京尼平脂质体最佳工艺处方为X1=6.65,X2=11.75,X3=6.67。包封率为63.37%,载药量为5.11%。结论 Box-Behnken效应面法建立的模型预测性良好,可用于京尼平脂质体处方优化筛选。 Objective To optimize the formula of genipin liposome using Box- Behnken design and response surface method.Methods The genipin liposome was prepared by ether injection method,the molar rate of phosphatidylcholine- cholesterol( X1),phosphatidylcholine- genipin( X2) and the mass concentration of genipin were observed. The encapsulation efficiency( Y1) and drug loading amount( Y2) of genipin liposome were evaluated,the formulation of genipin liposome was optimized. Results The optimalprescription and preparation of genipin liposome was confirmed as follows: X1= 6. 65,X2= 11. 75,X3= 6. 67. And,the encapsulation efficiency was 63. 37%,the drug loading was 5. 11% correspondingly. Conclusion It was feasible and suitable to employ Box- Behnken experimental design for the optimization of genipin liposome.
出处 《时珍国医国药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期1376-1379,共4页 Lishizhen Medicine and Materia Medica Research
基金 国家科技部十二五科技支撑计划(No.2011BAI04B01) 江西省科技专项(No.20123BBG70201) 江西省重大科技专项(No.2010A2D00303)
关键词 京尼平脂质体 乙醚注入法 效应面法 Box-Behnken实验设计 Genipin liposome Ether injection method Response surface Box-Behnken experimental design
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