
南海航道安全保障法律机制有效性与局限性研究 被引量:3

On the Effectiveness and Limitations of the Channel Security Legal Systems of the South China Sea
摘要 为了应对海上航道安全威胁,南海各方经过努力形成了航道安全保障法律机制。该机制具有一定有效性,但也存在许多局限性,如合作机制的软法性导致遵约和履约行为的非拘束性、合作机制固有的妥协性与弱惩戒性损害其权威性、合作机制的原则性影响权利义务的确定性、合作机制的独立性受限于国际势力干预性,以及合作机制的公共物品属性影响其实效性。这些局限需要南海各方协同以破解制度困境:构建软硬法有机联系的合作法律机制;完善航道安全保障法律机制的内在构成要素;协同努力确保合作法律机制的独立性;强化南海各方有效合作的"选择性诱因"机制。 In order to deal with the problem of the channel Security,the nations boarding the South Sea have de-veloped the channel security legal systems of Maritime Silk Road,which has certain effectiveness. However,the limitations are soft law leading to non-binding,fuzziness affecting the certainty of rights and obligations,independ-ence of the mechanism difficult to get rid of intrusiveness,public goods difficult to ensure its effectiveness,which demand all to crack the dilemmas of systems:developing appropriately the legal mechanisms of cooperation which are included hard and soft laws systematically,not affected by outside forces,perfect internal components,and in-creasing the tools to promote effective implementation.
作者 李建勋
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2015年第3期44-51,共8页 Southeast Asian Studies
基金 2014年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"南海低敏感领域区域合作法律机制研究"(14YJA820014)
关键词 南海 航道安全 法律机制 the South China Sea Channel Security Legal System
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