目的探讨在中国传统文化背景下,社会交往模式对2型糖尿病患者自我管理行为的影响。方法采用社会学研究方法,对北京市丰台区10家社区卫生服务中心参与快乐生活俱乐部TM项目的 33名糖尿病患者进行半结构式个人深入访谈。结果我国的2型糖尿病患者的疾病自我管理行为受到了传统中国文化下社会交往模式的影响,这种模式以利他倾向、集体主义倾向、补充或替代主流信息源为主,具体表现为患者选择性公开自己患病的事实,出于对社会交往的需要而缺乏对饮食、酒精和烟草的控制,但加强了集体锻炼的机会,通过朋友或熟人补充正式服务系统的信息传播和同理心不足。结论中国传统文化下的社会交往模式会对糖尿病患者的自我管理行为产生消极或积极的影响。建议初级卫生保健专业人员在帮助患者管理糖尿病时,理解社会交往的文化属性,并在帮助患者改变行为过程中,收集和使用患者的社会交往信息来启发他们找到适合自己的慢性病管理方案。
Objective To exploring impacts of social connectedness model under Chinese traditional culture on Chinese type 2 diabetes mellitus patients( T2DM)chronic disease self - management. Methods A qualitative method Was applied in the Happy Life ClubTM a community - based research program of chronic disease management. Thirty three T2DM patients of 10 community health centres of Fengtai District in Beijing Were participated in in-depth semi-structured individual intervieWs. Results Self-management behaviours of T2DM patients are affected by social connectedness model under traditional Chinese culture Which mainly displays in altruistic preference,collective tendency,complementary or alternative of conventional system. Patients prefer selectively disclosing their disease in condition of maintaining their relationship. For maintaining collective benefits,patients are likely compromise With plan of healthy diet, alcohol and tobacco control;While oriental style of connectedness benefits to encourage collective exercise. In context of poor empathetic skills applied in medical service of China, the social connectedness is also a perceived approach of being understood,and exchange information that relevant With disease management. Conclusion Social connectedness under Chinese cultural has negative and/or positive effects on behaviours of Chinese T2DM patients'disease management. Suggestions Primary health care professionals need to understand the importance of Guanxi in behavior change. They need to be trained in taking holistic history that including social connectedness. When helping patients to manage their T2DM and other chronic conditions,professionals should collect and use the information to elicit and support patients finding social sensitive Ways of behavior changes that tailoring With model of social connectedness.
Chinese General Practice