
基于生理信号的驾驶疲劳综合指标试验研究 被引量:8

Experimental study on comprehensive indicator of driving fatigue based on physiological signals
摘要 研究驾驶过程中随着疲劳的产生驾驶员生理信号的变化规律,提取反映驾驶疲劳程度的综合指标。采用驾驶模拟器对20名被试进行驾驶模拟试验,用MP150多导生理仪实时采集并记录驾驶员在60 min驾驶任务过程中的心电信号、脑电信号、肌肉电阻信号、皮肤温度信号和呼吸频率信号。运用R软件对数据进行线性回归分析,对比一般回归分析,逐步线性回归分析克服了一般回归分析许多变量不显著的缺点,得到了最优的驾驶综合指标方程,确定了与各项指标相关的驾驶疲劳评价综合指标,并通过3名被试模拟驾驶试验验证了综合指标作为评价驾驶疲劳的有效性。 This paper aimed at proposing a comprehensive driving fatigue indicator which was applied to evaluate driving fatigue.The changes of drivers' physiological indicators with the emergence of fatigue were researched to obtain the result. For this purpose,based on virtual driving simulator,a driving simulation experiment of twenty subjects which were selected from Henan Polytechnic University was carried out. These subjects were graduate students whose age were between 24 and 28( average age was26. 8) years old. A MP150 system of American BIOPAC company was used to record the physiological indicators( ECG,EEG,EMG,RSP,SKT) of drivers of sixty minutes of driving time.The software ACK was used to record and analyze data for indepth analysis. The reason that the test combined a variety of physiological indicators was to increase the accuracy of driving fatigue evaluation. The research also adopted classical fatigue questionnaire SOFI-25( Swedish occupational fatigue inventory-25) to analyze driving fatigue. Then we attempted to use linear regression with R software to get a comprehensive indicator which was applied to evaluate driving fatigue. First of all,general linear regression was applied to analyze the data. However,this method could not reach our expectation,since many variables were not so significant that the optimal regression equation could not be obtained. Then stepwise linear regression which could avoid the shortage of general linear regression analysis was applied to get optimal regression equation. The plot of residual and the plot of normal verified the effectiveness of stepwise linear regression in theory. At last,the verification test of three subjects was carried out to validate the effectiveness of the comprehensive indicator as the evaluation of driving fatigue. In conclusion,this study lays the foundation in experimental and theoretical for further research of driving fatigue.
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期57-61,共5页 Journal of Safety and Environment
关键词 安全工程 驾驶疲劳 生理指标 驾驶模拟试验 逐步线性回归 safety engineering driving fatigue physiological indicator driving simulation experiment step linear regression
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