分析了传统老人看护系统的缺点,设计和实现了新型的老人看护系统。系统采用压力传感器采集老人的生活起居信号,通过Zig Bee中心节点收集各个终端数据,树莓派将中心节点的数据转发到后台服务器,后台服务器对老人数据进行行为判断,并存储判断结果。看护人员可以通过GPRS或者Internet,登录网站实时查看老人的生活规律信息。当系统检测到异常时,能够通过百度云平台将报警短信发送到看护人员的手机上。系统基于企业服务总线架构,可扩展性高、互操作性强,降低了系统功能扩展和维护成本。
This paper analyzes the shortcomings of the traditional elderly nursing system. It completes the design and implementation of a new elderly care system. The system collects living signal of the elderly by pressure sensors. Then, the ZigBee node receives data from ZigBee terminals. Raspberry pi forward those data to data server. The server can make sure the behavior type through analyzing the data of the elderly and store the results. Caregivers can login in website to check the living status of the elderly via GPRS or Internet. When it detects abnormal behavior, the system can send alarm messages to caregivers' mobile phone by Baidu cloud platform. The system based on Enterprise Service Bus architecture has high scalability and strong interoperability. This reduces the costs of the system expansion and maintenance.
Science & Technology Vision
Elderly care system
Pressure sensor
Cloud platform