
存在执行器故障的多智能体系统的容错一致性 被引量:1

Fault-Tolerant Consensus for a Network of Multi-Agent Systems with Actuator Faults
摘要 考虑了同时存在执行器故障以及外部扰动下领航-跟随多智能体系统的容错一致性问题,其中,执行器故障由执行器增益变化来刻画;针对可能的执行器故障,设计具有自适应增益的补偿控制律,并与标称控制律共同作用来实现容错一致性,在进行增益系数以及控制律设计中,均采用相对输出信息而非相对状态信息;通过分析闭环跟踪误差系统的渐近稳定性,给出原来多智能体系统实现容错一致性所需满足的条件.结果表明,在未知扰动以及领航者输入范数满足一定条件下,通过适当选择参数可以实现容错一致性的目标.最后,采用数值仿真验证了所得结果的有效性. A fault tolerant consensus problem for multi-agent systems with actuator faults and exterior dis turbance was investigated, where the actuator fault was characterized by gain variation. An adaptive-gain compensating control law was added to the nominal control input to ensure consensus. Relative output in formation rather than state information was utilized to design the control law. By analyzing the stability of the closed-loop tracking error systems, a sufficient condition for consensus of the original system was pro- posed. It is shown that as long as the control input of leader agent and the exterior disturbance are bound- ed by some positive constants, fault-tolerant consensus can be realized by appropriately choosing the design parameters. A numerical simulation validates the main results.
出处 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期806-811,共6页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金(61490701 61210012 61290324 61473164)项目资助
关键词 容错一致性 多智能体系统 自适应增益 fault-tolerant consensus multi-agent system adaptive-gain
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