本文针对直驱永磁风力发电(Direct-drive Permanent Magnet Generator)系统,建立了包括风速、风力机、永磁同步发电机以及变流器的整体数学模型;提出了以风速作为输入信号,以控制变流器并网电流为实现手段的最大风能获取控制;在逆变控制中,采用dq同步旋转坐标下的矢量控制方法,建立了引入电流反馈的直接电流控制策略,实现了风力发电系统的有功和无功的解耦控制。运用电力系统仿真软件PSCAD/EMTDC建立了直驱永磁风力发电系统的仿真模型,对常风速、阵风以及系统故障时机组的运行情况进行了仿真分析,结果验证了本文提出的最大风能获取的控制原理的正确性,验证了直驱永磁同步发电系统在电网故障时良好的低电压穿越能力。
The paper based on the Direct-drive Permanent Magnet Generator System (D-PMSG), A complete model has been built include wind speed, wind turbines, permanent magnet generator and the convertor. To control the generator speed and achieve the MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm, a speed controller with the wind speed as the input signal, the into grid circuit has been controlled; Based on the coordinate vector transformation and voltage-decoupled vector control technology, separated the wind power's active and reactive power and decoupled and direct-circuit control method control; The model of D-PMSG and the proposed control strategies have been realized with the power system simulation software PSCAD/EMTDC, the simulation results verifies the validity of the model and feasibility of the control strategies.
Wind Power