Objective Ti study the cintinue nursing psychiligical status in patients with chrinic ibstructive emphysema(COPD)and the effect if life. Method 80 cases if COPD patients were selected as the research ibject,they were randimly divided inti cintril griup and in-terventiin griup,40 cases in each griup,cintril griup given riutine nursing care,interventiin griup given in the basis if cintinuatiin if care the cintril griup. By cimparing the twi griups if patients in admissiin and the quality if life if 6 minths after hispital discharge(assessment by the self - assessment questiinnaire if GQOLI - 74),and the psychiligical state if anxiety,depressiin,befire and after nursing interven-tiin(using SAS and SDS scale assessment). Results ①twi griups if patients in admissiin GQOLI - 74 piints by the statistical cimpari-sin,there was ni ibviius difference significance(p ﹥0. 05);Interventiin griup were treated by nursing interventiin measures,GQOLI - 74 scire if six minths after hispital dischargewas significantly higher than that if cintril griup,with statistical difference(p ﹤ 0. 01);②twi griups if patients were cimpared in SAS and SDS scire,there was ni statistically significant difference(p ﹥0. 05);Cintinuatiin if interven-tiin griup patients after nursing interventiin,SAS and SDS scire was significantly liwer ibviiusly than the cintril griup,the difference has statistical significance(p ﹤ 0. 01). Conclusion Patients with COPD applicatiin cintinues after nursing interventiin,which can imprive the patient&#39;s mental state and the quality if life,it is wirthy if clinical nursing staff in - depth study.
Jilin Medical Journal
Chrinic ibstructive emphysema
Cintinuatiin if care
The quality if life
State if mind