Eye is not an isolated structure, but a sense organ closely associated with the whole body. Most eye diseases are not just local problems of eyes, but also involve many other systems and organs of the body. As a result, accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of an eye disease require a combination of various measures and may involve different clinical departments. Currently, ophthalmology is not only disconnected with other clinical departments, but also associated with unnecessary and excessive specialization and fragmentation which may narrow down doctors' views of eye diseases as a whole body and negatively affect the development of ophthalmology. The concept of integrative medicine is an innovation and revolution in medical science. Integrative ophthalmology is the key to solving the current bottleneck of ophthalmology development. This article attempts to discuss the challenges that ophthalmology is currently facing and to bring out the concept of " holistie integrative ophthalmology" based on history of integrative medicine. We will also discuss the necessity of holistic integrative ophthalmology in the development of ophthalmology and the methods of creating an integrative ophthalmology platform. It is highly anticipated that this article will lead to a better systematic understanding of the concept of integrative ophthahnology and a more active involvement the integrative ophthalmology platform development among ophthalmologists in China.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmologic Medicine(Electronic Edition)
Holistic integrated medicine
Holistic integrated ophthalmology
Disciplinary development