
嵌段共聚物结构特征对HMPSA黏附性的影响 被引量:1

Influence of structure characteristic of block copolymer on adhesion of hot-melt pressure-sensitive adhesive
摘要 为研究嵌段共聚物的结构特征对HMPSA(热熔压敏胶)黏附性(如初粘力、剥离强度和持粘力等)的影响,以不同结构特征的SIS(苯乙烯-异戊二烯-苯乙烯嵌段共聚物)为骨架制备了相应的HMPSA。研究结果表明:SIS弹性体的Mr(相对分子质量)越低且SI(苯乙烯-异戊二烯)双嵌段比例越高,HMPSA的初粘力就越大,而持粘力也就越低,剥离强度则随SIS弹性体的Mr增加而增大;将HMPSA的流变性(储能模量、损耗模量和动态黏度等)与黏附性关联后,HMPSA的初粘力和低频区的储能模量呈负相关,剥离强度和高频区的损耗模量相关,持粘力和系统低频区的动态黏度成正比,说明嵌段共聚物的结构对HMPSA的黏附性影响显著。 In order to research influence of structure characteristic of block copolymer on adhesion (such as initial tack, peeling strength and hold tack) of HMPSA (hot- melt pressure- sensitive adhesive), the corresponding HMPSA was prepared with SIS (styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymer) containing different structureisoprene) dihloek ratio, and the peeling strength was increased with increasing Mr of SIS elastomer. The influences of structure of block copolymer on HMPSA's adhesion were obvious I)eeause the correlation hetween the H M PSA's initial tack and the storage modulus in low frequency area was negative, there was the correlation belween the peeling strength and the loss moduius in high frequency area, the correlation between tile hold tack and the dynamic viscosity of system in low frequency area was proportional when the ItMPSA' s rheological behavior (such as sire'age moduh,s, loss modulus and dynamic viscosity ) and the adhesion were related.
出处 《中国胶粘剂》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第6期6-11,共6页 China Adhesives
基金 国家"十一五"科技支撑计划课题(2008BAI53B075)
关键词 嵌段共聚物 热熔压敏胶 结构特征 流变性 黏附性 block copolymer hot- melt pressure- sensitive adhesive (HMPSA) structure characteristic rheological behavior adhesion
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