

Effects of Adolescent Peer Relations on Anxiety-like and Depression-like Behaviors in Young-adult Rats
摘要 探索大鼠青春期同伴关系对青年期焦虑样和抑郁样行为的影响.将25只出生20 d的清洁级雄性SD大鼠随机分成3组,单笼组(n=8),成双组(n=8),群体组(n=9),饲养40 d后,进行糖水偏好、高架迷宫和强迫游泳实验.结果显示:糖水偏好实验中,3组大鼠的糖水消耗百分比无明显差异(P>0.05);高架迷宫实验中,成双组和群养组大鼠进入开放臂时间较单笼组明显减少(P<0.01);强迫游泳实验中,单笼组大鼠不动时间较成双组和群养组明显延长(P<0.01).表明青春期孤独环境大鼠容易产生抑郁样行为,而同伴和群体饲养环境由于竞争压力容易产生焦虑样行为. To explore the effects of adolescent peer relations on anxiety-like and depression-like behaviors in young-adult rats. 25 male Sprague-Dawley rats on postnatal day 20 are randomly divided into three groups. In the first group (n=8) rats are housed alone, in the second group (n=8) rats are reared in pairs, and in the third group (n=9) rats are divided into two cages, 4 in one cage, 5 in another one. After 40 days, the sucrose preference test, the elevated plus-maze test and the forced swimming test are taken and assessed in turn. In the sucrose preference test, there is no statistically significant difference among the three groups (/〉〉0.05). In the elevated plus-maze test, the percentage of time on opened arm in both the paired and grouped rats reduces significantly compared with the lonely feed rats (P〈0.01). In the forced swimming test, the lonely feed rats take more time with immobility compared with both the paired and grouped rats (P〈0.01). The present data show that adolescent rats in the isolated environment are easier to produce depression-like behaviors, while housed with companions are easier to generate anxiety-like behaviors due to the peer competition.
机构地区 宁波大学医学院
出处 《宁波大学学报(理工版)》 CAS 2015年第3期113-116,共4页 Journal of Ningbo University:Natural Science and Engineering Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金(U1132602 81071077)
关键词 抑郁 焦虑 孤独 竞争 depression anxiety loneliness competition
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