
非真空熔铸CuCrZr合金的抗烧损研究 被引量:6

Anti-burning loss of CuCrZr alloys melted under non-vacuum conditions
摘要 高强高导CuCrZr合金在非真空熔铸过程中合金元素的氧化烧损是限制其工业化连续化生产的关键因素之一.为减缓合金元素的烧损,研究脱氧剂和覆盖材料对CuCrZr合金的非真空熔铸抗烧损效果的影响.结果表明,Mg元素的添加在熔炼初期能有效减缓Zr的烧损,且温度应当低于1 350℃,熔炼30 min后Zr的收得率在同一水平;当熔炼温度高于1 350℃时,合金中Zr元素烧损非常严重,Mg元素的保护作用大大减弱.采用复合盐覆盖能够显著提高Zr的收得率,熔炼30 min后其收得率仍达40.86%.对合金炉渣进行XRD分析的结果表明:复合盐覆盖时,其炉渣相对木炭和氧化镁覆盖时更干净,炉渣中只含盐类. Oxidation is one of the key factors of high strength high conductivity CuCrZr alloys melted in the non-vacuum condition which limits its industrialized continuous cast. This paper investigates the effects of anti-oxidation and coverage materials on the non-vacuum melting process in order to slow the mass loss of Zr.The results indicate that Mg addition can effectively slow the mass loss of Zr at the initial stage of melting process below 1 350 ℃. After melting for 30 min, Zr residual keeps the same level;the mass loss of Zr is very marked because the Mg protection is greatly weakened when the melting temperature reaches 1 350 ℃.Composite salt can effectively improve the residual of Zr with 40.86 % of residual of Zr after melting for 30 min.The XRD patterns of slag show that no any other reactants but salts exist in the slag when covered by composite salt.
出处 《有色金属科学与工程》 CAS 2015年第3期36-39,共4页 Nonferrous Metals Science and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50976043) 赣鄱555领军人才基金项目(2012215) 江西省科技支撑项目(20113BCB24013) 江西省高等学校科技落地计划(KJLD13014)
关键词 CUCRZR 非真空熔铸 氧化烧损 覆盖剂 CuCrZr non-vacuum melting oxidation burning loss covering materials
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