
发现“边政学”:学术与时势之间的民国边政研究——评汪洪亮《民国时期的边政与边政学》 被引量:1

Discovering“ Frontier Politics Studies”: Frontier Politics Research between Academics and Political Situation in the Republican Era——A Review of Frontier Politics and Frontier Politics Studies in the Republican Era by Wang Hongliang
摘要 汪洪亮《民国时期的边政与边政学》一书将边政学还原于近代民族危机、国家重建的历史背景之下,将边政学的兴起置于中国边疆史地研究从传统向现代的学术转型这一学术语境中加以考察,首次相对完整地重建了近代中国边政学产生、发展及演变的历史事实,概述了民国边政学的学术面貌与特征,构建了民国边政学的发展谱系。这不仅有助于从历史的脉络、学术史的层面重新认识中国近代边疆史地研究,而且在边疆政治地位再度升温的当下,亦不无深刻之意义。当然,是书较着力于"边政学"的"今生",尤其是边政学与时局的关联,而对其"前世"着墨较少,从而未能很好地回答边政学究竟是清季以来的边疆史地研究的现代转换多一点,还是西学中直接移植并运用于中国本土的再造多一些。此外,"边政学"的学科独立性也是值得再深入考究的问题。 The study of bianzhengxue ( Frontier Politics) was an academic subject created in the second wave of frontier studies in academic circles in the early 1940s, whose purpose was to conduct a systematic study of the politics of the frontier. The subject flourished for a while, but, then disappeared. Frontier Politics Studies is not well - known to people today. The recently published minguo shiqi and bianzheng yu bianzhengxue (Frontier Politics and Frontier Politics Studies in the Republican Era ) by Wang Hongliang, takes this lost subject as its focus, and explores the process of the development of Frontier Politics Studies in the Republican Era. Although this book is titled Frontier Politics and Frontier Politics Stud- ies, readers might think that it would equally concern both the management of the frontier and Frontier Politics Studies in the Republican Era.
作者 龙伟
出处 《民族学刊》 2015年第2期65-68,118-121,共8页 Journal of Ethnology
关键词 边政学 汪洪亮 学术转型 边疆政治 frontier politics Studies WangHongliang academic transformation frontier poli-tics
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