

A Effective Method For Silt Sedimentation Handling In Practices
摘要 随着人类活动对环境的影响加剧,河流推移质和悬移质的泥沙不断增多,在建或已建的水电站经常遇到水库或尾水渠泥沙淤积的情况。大量的泥沙淤积将导致大坝冲砂闸或尾水渠检修闸无法正常开启或关闭,对水电站运行安全会带来严重影响,该文旨在介绍一种已在实践中得到成功应用的气力提升法,它是一种安全、快捷、高效淤沙处理方法,建议有条件的工程加以应用与推广。 With the intensified impact of human activities on the environment,the amount of riverbed-load and suspended load have been increased.Reservoir or tailrace silt sediments are frequently encountered by hydropower stations which are under construction or have been built.A large number of slit sediment accumulation may cause the dam sand-sluicing gate or the tailrace maintenance gate fail to be opened or closed properly,which seriously impacts the operation safety of a hydropower station.This paper aims to introduce and promote a secure,fast and effective method for silt sedimentation handling,which had been successful in practices.
出处 《科技资讯》 2014年第36期20-21,共2页 Science & Technology Information
关键词 水电站 泥沙淤积 气力提升法 运用实践 air-power enhancement hydropower station silt sediment silt sedimentation handling
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