
晚清时期美国近代公共图书馆理念在中国的传播及其影响 被引量:2

Propagation of the American Modern Concept of the Public Library During the Late Qing Dynasty in China and Its Influences
摘要 美国近代公共图书馆理念是随着资本主义经济的发展和美利坚民族精神的觉醒而发展起来的,它是美国民主精神的重要体现。晚清之际美国近代公共图书馆理念在中国的传播主要有译介西方著作,到美国实地考察、游历,"洋人"直接在中国开办近代新式图书馆等途径,其促进了中国传统藏书楼向近代意义上早期公共图书馆的转变;传播了先进的近代图书馆学文化思想,体现了时代的要求和进步性;培养了中国近代第一代图书馆学人才。 The concept of the public library in modern America is developed with the development of the capitalist economy and the national spirit awakening of America. It is an important manifestation of the national spirit in America. During the late Qing Dynasty, the propagation of the American mordern concept of the public library in China were mainly in ways of translations of western books, field trips and travelings to the United States, direct built of new modern libraries by "foreigners" in China, which promoted traditional Chinese libraries building changing into the modern sense of early public libraries; spreaded the advanced culture and thought of the modern library science, reflected requirements and progress of the times; and trained the first generation of Chinese modern library science talents.
作者 余银萍
出处 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期93-96,共4页 Library Development
关键词 晚清 美国 公共图书馆理念 传播 Late Qing Dynasty America Concept of public library Propagation
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