Coal mine fire prevention and control is the emphasis and difficulty in ventilation and safety management of Xinji No.1Mine. Considering the relationship between extraction and fire prevention, the main mining coal seams of Xinji No.1 Mine are Seam 13,Seam 11, Seam 9, Seam 8 and Seam 6, all of which have the spontaneous combustion tendency, and the spontaneous combustion level is Ⅱ.The spontaneous combustion period is commonly 3 ~ 6 months. Since its launch in 1993,a total of 16 times of spontaneous fire have occurred. The main involved coal seam is Seam 13. The Seam 8 only has one time of fire accident at the roadway crossing fault. In order to guarantee the safe mining of Seam 13, the coal seam "3 zones"research is carried out and fire prevention measures are determined. This paper introduces the determination of iconic spontaneous combustion gas and carries on the determination of spontaneous combustion "3zones" in the goaf, and adopts comprehensive fire prevention and control technology.
Value Engineering
ventilation and prevention
thick coal seam
3 zones
comprehensive fire prevention and control