表达巨细胞病毒(cytomegalovirus,CMV)即刻早期蛋白(IE-1)的DNA疫苗能抵抗巨细胞病毒的感染。β防御素2型(BD2)能激活未成熟的树突状细胞,调节机体免疫反应。以小鼠为动物模型,探讨小鼠BD2(m BD2)增强鼠巨细胞病毒(murine cytomegalovirus,MCMV)IE-1 DNA疫苗的佐剂效果。将表达IE-1的质粒(p IE-1)与表达m BD2的质粒(p BD2)混合免疫小鼠,2周后用致死量的同源MCMV攻击小鼠。通过检测发现,混合免疫p IE-1和p BD2的小鼠与单独免疫IE-1相比,血清中IE-1特异性抗体含量升高,脾脏CD8+T细胞所分泌的IFN-γ水平上升,小鼠体重丢失明显下降,病毒攻击后小鼠存活率也有所提高。这些结果表明,BD2可以作为一种分子佐剂增强IE-1 DNA疫苗的免疫效果。
Cytomegalovirus(CMV) immediate-early 1 protein(IE-1) can be used in DNA vaccines to defend against CMV infection. β-defensin 2(BD2), which activates immature dendritic cells, can regulate the immune responses. To test whether BD2 could enhance the immune effect of the IE-1 DNA vaccine, mice were immunized with p IE-1 plus p BD2 and then be challenged with a lethal dose of MCMV. Comparing with the mice immunized with p IE-1DNA vaccine alone, mice immunized with p IE-1 plus p BD2 had increased antiIE-1 antibody titers in sera and IFN-γ secretion by spleen CD8+T cells. Body weight of mice in the group with adjuvant lost less and had higher survival rates after the lethal virus challenge. The results indicated that m BD2 could be used as a molecular adjuvant to enhance the immune effect of the IE-1DNA vaccine.
Life Science Research