

Regulation of Cell Cycle of MAPCs via High-glucose
摘要 骨髓来源MPAC是具有多向分化潜能的成体干细胞,高糖是干扰MAPC细胞分化趋势的重要因素。通过流式细胞技术分析高糖对MAPC细胞周期的影响。研究显示,高糖迟滞MAPC细胞的细胞周期在G1/S期。进一步研究的结果提示,高糖可以通过TGF-β1调控ERK1/2信号通路,选择性上调P21蛋白表达,抑制MAPC的细胞周期进程,此时的MAPC细胞Oct4高表达,具有多项分化能力(处于非分化状态)。 Multipotent adult progenitor cells(MAPCs) derived from bone marrow stem cell,with multi-directional differentiation. High glucose is one of the important interferential factors for the differentiation of MAPCs. FACS was performed for analysis of cell cycle of MAPCs incubated in high-glucose(HG). The data indicated that cell cycle of MAPCs was arrested in G1/S. The mechanism indicated that cell cycle of MAPCs was arrested via high glucose-induced expression of TGF-β1, with up-regulation expression of P21 via ERK1/2 signaling. At the same time, high-expression level of Oct4 in MAPCs exhibit extensive expansion capability and are able to differentiate at the single cell level into functional multiple cell lineages of all three germinal layers(un-differentiation).
出处 《生命科学研究》 CAS CSCD 2015年第3期229-236,共8页 Life Science Research
基金 湖南省科学技术厅科技计划一般项目(2012fj4352)
关键词 高糖 MAPC细胞 细胞周期 TGF-Β1 P21 ERK1/2 high glucose multipotent adult progenitor cells(MAPCs) cell cycle transforming grows factor-β1(TGF-β1) P21 extracellular regulated protein kinases(ERK1/2)
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