2015年初,行标YD/T 2827.6-2015《无线通信射频和微波器件无源互调电平测量方法第6部分:天线》发布。结合行标内容,研究无源互调的产生机理及测试方法,并通过对无源互调测量影响因素进行分析,对减小无源互调测量的不确定性给出建议。
The standard “Passive RF and microwave devices, inter-modulation level measuremen4 Part 6: Measurement of passive inter-modulation in antennas”YD/T 2827.6-2015, was published in early 2015. Combined with the standard, generation mechanism and test method of antenna passive inter-modulation are studied in this paper. And influence factors of passive inter-modulation measurement are analyzed. At last, suggestions for reducing the uncertainties in measurements of passive inter-modulation will be proposed.
Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications