
多媒体环境对学习者词汇层注意焦点变化的影响——以“英语视听”课程为例 被引量:1

Lexical Representations of Selective Attention in Multimedia-based Listening Course
摘要 "英语视听"是我国高校英语专业学生的基础必修课,普遍采用多媒体教学手段施教。词汇作为语言构成和习得的基本成分,是多媒体环境中影响学习者话语理解加工的基础。主要依据注意资源理论和二语词汇加工理论,重点分析多媒体环境中学习者选择性注意特点在词汇层的表现。研究发现,知觉负载、线索、刺激凸现性是影响词汇层注意焦点选择的三个主要因素。在言语知觉和识别阶段,选择性注意焦点主要体现在学习者对发音知识、韵律因素和单词识别的学习和掌握方面;在语义加工阶段,选择性注意的主要目标是学习者在语音、语调、词汇、句型、句法等英语语言知识方面的辨别、理解能力以及同英美国家文化、习惯、风俗等背景知识的综合运用。 English Listening is one of the basic compulsory courses for English majors in China. Vocabulary, as an elementary factor in language and acquisition, is the foundation of learner's listening comprehension and speech production. Supported by Kahneman's attention theory and second vocabulary processing theory, this paper discusses the lexical representations of selective attention in computer-assisted Listening class. It proposes that perceptual load, cue location and stimulus-driven determinants are the key factors which influence the selection of attention. At the level of utterance perception and recognition, selective attention focuses on learner's knowledge of pronunciation, rhythm and word recognition. While at the level of semantic processing, selective attention focuses on learner's recognition and understanding of linguistic features and cultural background of western cultures as well.
作者 张玲
出处 《上海理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第2期111-115,179,共6页 Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 2012年度浙江省社科规划课题(12JCWW11YB) 2013年度教育部人文社科规划基金项目(13YJA740075)
关键词 多媒体教学 视听 选择性注意 认知加工 multimedia teaching audio-visual selective attention cognitive processing
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