While the consulting engineering industry, working as it does in the con- struction, civil infrastructure and industrial sectors, is undoubtedly increasing- ly more relevant and effective, The calls for a paradigm shift in the way it operates sug- gest that the industry must play an even greater role in defining and implementing the strat- egies, Frameworks and tools which are needed to tackle global sustainability chal- lenges. An overview of the main developments affecting the construction and civil in- frastructure sector highlights the importance of innovative, holistic and integrated strate- gies that have led to the Rethink Cities strategy and its smart city implementation frame- work. The industry also has an important role to play in linking sustainability initia- tives in the construction and civil infrastructure sector with parallel and overlapping ini- tiatives in the industrial sector. It is noted however that consulting engineers work- ing in both sectors need to foster a common approach for creating integrated solu- tions at the project and global levels while managing the risks which accompany innovation
Plant Engineering Consultants
consulting engineering industry, service, innovation