

Finite Element Analysis on Induction Heating for Rolls of 2 High Rolling Mill
摘要 运用有限元软件ANSYS和编程语言APDL,建立电磁感应热生成率数学模型,以定义指针数组的方式,将热生成率作为内热源施加在各循环步的轧辊单元上,实现轧辊旋转过程感应加热分析,发现当电源频率为20 000 Hz、电流密度为350e4A/m2时,轧辊以0.1 r/s转速加热2 min后表面温度可达400℃以上。研究轧辊旋转预热及轧制时的温度场,发现轧制变形区温度与时间的关系近似线性,可以通过调整电源输出功率、轧制速度等参数维持变形区温度恒定。 By using the software ANSYS and programming language APDL,the mathematical model of electromagnetic induction heat generation rate is developed in order to set the heat generation rate as the inner heat source of roller elements in each cycle step and analyze the induction heating in the process of the roller rotation by defining pointer array. The analysis results show that the surface temperature of the mill roll increases to 400 ℃ and more at a rotational speed of 0. 1 r / s when the power frequency is 20 000 Hz and the current density is 350e^4 A / m^2. The results of study on temperature field of the mill roll at preheating during rotating and rolling show that the temperature and the time presents an approximate linear relationship,which can maintain a constant temperature at deformation zone by means of parameters adjustment,such as the output power and the rolling speed.
出处 《宽厚板》 2015年第2期30-33,共4页 Wide and Heavy Plate
关键词 热辊温轧 感应加热 APDL 有限元 热生成率 Warm rolling with hot roller Induction heating APDL Finitude element Generation rate of heat
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