
强化规划管控 实现土地利用方式根本转变

Enhancing the Management and Control over Planning and Achieving Fundamental Shift in the Mode of Land Use
摘要 土地利用规划、土地利用方式都与社会发展、科技进步息息相关,土地利用规划是土地利用方式的"预算管理"手段,土地利用规划与土地利用方式是规范和被规范的关系。从2009-2013年国有建设用地供应前10名省份的当年GDP总量来看,产粮大省耕地面积的"结伴"下行,势必对国家粮食安全带来一定冲击,强化土地利用规划管控十分重要和紧迫。实现土地利用方式根本转变,必须强化规划管控:一是要把土地利用方式根本转变作为规划的主线;二是配套制定专业用地规划和土地利用详细规划;三是建立和完善土地利用规划的法律制度体系;四是建设土地利用方式根本转变的监管体系。 Land use planning and land use mode are closely linked with social development and technological advancements. Land use planning is the means of "budget management" for land use pattern. The relationship between land use planning and land use pattern is that the former is the norm for the latter, and the latter must be according to the former. Seeing GDP gross of the top 10 provinces that the stateowned construction land were supplied for from 2009 to 2013, the arable land area in grain provinces was downward together. This situation inevitably will bring a certain impact on national food security, so it is very important and urgent for us to enhance the management and control over land use planning. The specifi c measures should be focused on the following: regarding the fundamental shift in the mode of land use as the focus of our efforts, working out special land use planning and detailed land-use planning, establishing and perfecting the legal system of land use planning, and building the supervision system to monitor the fundamental shift in the mode of land use.
作者 张维宸
出处 《中国国土资源经济》 2015年第6期14-18,共5页 Natural Resource Economics of China
关键词 土地利用规划 管控 土地利用方式 根本转变 land use planning management and control the mode of land use fundamental change
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