Land use planning and land use mode are closely linked with social development and technological advancements. Land use planning is the means of "budget management" for land use pattern. The relationship between land use planning and land use pattern is that the former is the norm for the latter, and the latter must be according to the former. Seeing GDP gross of the top 10 provinces that the stateowned construction land were supplied for from 2009 to 2013, the arable land area in grain provinces was downward together. This situation inevitably will bring a certain impact on national food security, so it is very important and urgent for us to enhance the management and control over land use planning. The specifi c measures should be focused on the following: regarding the fundamental shift in the mode of land use as the focus of our efforts, working out special land use planning and detailed land-use planning, establishing and perfecting the legal system of land use planning, and building the supervision system to monitor the fundamental shift in the mode of land use.
Natural Resource Economics of China
land use planning
management and control
the mode of land use
fundamental change