
从教师教学实践的角度探讨学习进程的研制 被引量:1

Exploring the development of Learning Processes from the Perspective of Teacher's Teaching Practice
摘要 形成性评价对学生学习与教师教学具有巨大作用,学习进程则是促进形成性评价实施的关键所在。然而在操作层面,教师如何研制学习进程亟待探索。为此,本文首先考察了当前学习进程研制存在的问题,然后剖析了作为研制学习进程技术基础的任务分析,接着构建了学习进程研制程序,即确定终点学习目标、明晰学习单元、系列化学习单元、开发学习单元的成功标准,进而为教师应用研制程序提出了若干建议。 Learning process is the key to promote the formative assessment which has great influences on teaching and learning. At the operational level, the question that how teachers develop the learning processes demands more researches. To provide some insight into this issue, the current paper put forward certain problems existing in the current practice of learning process development, and then discussed the task analysis which is the methodological foundation of learning process development. We also constructed a systematic procedure for learning process development which includes defining learning goals, clarifying learning unites, connecting learning unites, and specifying standards for successful unites learning. Suggestions for teachers to utilize such development procedure were also provided.
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期71-76,共6页 Research in Educational Development
基金 国家社科基金项目"我国体育课程论学科体系建设研究"(12BTY032) 教育部人文社科项目"教育信息化背景下技能增强型职教师范人才新型培养模式探究"(13YJCZH035)的部分成果
关键词 形成性评价 学习进程 任务分析 研制程序 formative assessment, learning process, task analysis, development procedure
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