
建设开放度最高的自由贸易试验区 当好新一轮改革开放领跑者——关于国务院《进一步深化中国(上海)自由贸易试验区改革开放方案》的解读

Construction of a Most Open Pilot Free-trade Zone and Being a Good Leader of a New Round of Reform and Opening up
摘要 国务院《进一步深化中国(上海)自由贸易试验区改革开放方案》突出以制度创新为核心,加快释放改革红利;突出以政府职能转变为重点,充分发挥市场配置资源的决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用;突出以可复制可推广为目标,形成更多具有示范带动效应的制度创新成果;突出以风险可控为底线,构建科学有效的风险防控体系。该方案有六大突破:在加快推进政府职能转变上实现新突破;在深化与扩大开放相适应的投资管理制度创新上实现新突破;在推进与国际通行规则接轨的贸易监管制度创新上实现新突破;在加强自贸试验区与"四个中心"建设的联动上实现新突破;在加强自贸试验区与全球影响力科技创新中心建设的联动上实现新突破;在加强自贸试验区法制和政策保障上实现新突破。 The Central government's "to further deepen reform and opening up of China (Shanghai) pilot free trade zone program" has four major characteristics: to further highlight the system innovation as the core, speeding up the release of the reform dividend; to further highlight the transformation of government functions, bringing the decisive market allocation of resources into full play and improve the role of government; to further highlight replicable and propagable as the goal, achieve more innovation system fruit of demonstration effect; to further highlight the risk control as the bottom line, building a scientific and effective risk prevention and control system. There are six major breakthroughs: to achieve new breakthroughs in accelerating the transformation of government functions; to achieve new breakthroughs in investment management system innovation adapting to deepening and expanding opening-up; to achieve new breakthroughs in promoting business regulatory system innovation in line with international rules and standards; to achieve new breakthroughs in strengthening linkage of trade test area and the " four centers"; to achieve new breakthroughs in strengthening linkage of trade test area and construction of innovation and technology center of global influence; to achieve new breakthroughs in strengthening legal and policy support in CSPFTZ.
作者 肖林
出处 《科学发展》 CAS 2015年第5期47-52,共6页 Scientific Development
关键词 自贸试验区 深化改革开放 制度创新 国家战略 CSPFTZ Deepen reform and opening-up System innovation National strategy








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