
中国节水灌溉装备发展现状、问题、趋势与建议 被引量:187

Status,problems,trends and suggestions for water-saving irrigation equipment in China
摘要 节水灌溉装备在提高农业用水效率、农民增产增收及生态环境建设等方面发挥着重要作用,对于缓解水资源短缺矛盾、保证国家粮食安全、推动农村经济可持续发展具有重要的战略地位.经过近60 a的发展,节水灌溉装备在理论研究、技术水平等方面取得了长足进步,生产规模基本能满足中国节水灌溉发展的需要,但自主研发能力较弱,在产品质量、技术性能、可靠性等方面还有待于进一步提高.加强基础理论研究,提高自主创新能力,研发多功能、低能耗、低成本、智能化、精准化、绿色化的节水灌溉装备,是今后的发展趋势.建议开展丘陵山区节水灌溉综合配套技术与装备的研究,研制多功能、智能化精确喷灌机组,开发低成本高效水肥药协同精准灌溉技术与装备,研究清洁能源节水灌溉装备与技术,促进我国节水灌溉装备行业的健康全面发展. Water-saving irrigation equipment plays an important role in improving agricultural water use efficiency,increase farmer income and construction of ecological environment,also it has an important strategic position to ease the shortage in water resources,ensure the national food security,and promote the sustainable development of rural economy.The development of water-saving irrigation equipment has taken nearly for 60 years,a considerable progress has been made in its theoretical study and technical level and so on;further the scale of production can basically meet the development of water-saving irrigation in China,but the ability in technological innovation,research and development is weaker,the improvements in product quality,technical performance and reliability are on demand.The developing trends in water-saving irrigation equipment should include strengthening basic theoretical study,enhancing the capability of independent innovation,designing and manufacturing intelligent,precise,cheap and green water-saving irrigation equipment with multi-function,low energy con-sumption and cost.It is suggested that the comprehensive technology and equipment for water-saving irrigation in hilly land shouldBe investigated.The multi-function,intelligent and precise sprinkler irrigation systems shouldBe developed.Also,the irrigation technology and equipment with low cost,high efficiency and collaborative precision in water and pesticide spraying as well as fertilizing shouldBe innovated.The water-saving irrigation technology and equipment by using clean energy shouldBe exploited.These suggestions may promote the water-saving irrigation equipment industry to develop in a comprehensive and healthy manner in China.
出处 《排灌机械工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期78-92,共15页 Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering
基金 国家863计划项目(2011AA100506) 江苏省科技支撑计划项目(BE2013403)
关键词 节水灌溉装备 现状 问题 趋势 建议 water-saving irrigation equipment status questions trends suggestions
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