
氡致肺癌危险新模型的应用 被引量:2

Application of the New Risk Model of Radon- related Lung Cancer
摘要 目的对氡致肺癌的超额相对危险新模型进行研究与应用。方法在理论研究的基础上,采用三次样条插值法和对数线性内插法计算不同情况下的ERR1wlm值。结果给出了依据NIH 03-5387模型计算氡致肺癌病因概率的方法和过程。结论验证表明,本文所给出的病因概率计算方法操作简便,科学可靠,能够作为制定相关技术标准的依据。 Objective To study the new excess relative risk model of radon- related lung cancer. Methods ERR1 wlmvalue was calculated with the methods of cubic spline interpolation and logarithmic linear interpolation on the theoretical background.Results The detailed process of the calculation for the probability of causation of radon- related lung cancer was listed out based on the NIH 03- 5387 model. Conclusion It was demonstrated that the calculation for the probability of causation used in this paper was reliable and applicable.
出处 《中国辐射卫生》 2015年第1期5-9,共5页 Chinese Journal of Radiological Health
关键词 氡致肺癌 超额相对危险 病因概率 不确定性 Radon-Related Lung Cancer Excess Relative Risk Probability of Causation Uncertainty
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