
基于生态系统服务的生态承载力:概念、内涵与评估模型及应用 被引量:76

Ecosystem-Service-based Ecological Carrying Capacity:Concept, Content, Assessment Model and Application
摘要 生态承载力是生态学研究的难点之一,是较资源承载力、环境承载力等更为复杂和综合的概念。论文在分析当前生态承载力研究进展的基础上提出以"生态系统—生态系统服务—人口和经济(承载力)"为研究主线的基于生态系统服务的生态承载力(Ecosystem-Servicesbased Ecological Carrying Capacity,ESECC)的定义,即某个区域生态系统的结构、过程及其空间格局决定的生态系统服务所能支撑的具有一定发展水平的人口和经济规模,并构建ESECC评估模型:将所有与人类密切相关的生态系统服务纳入评估模型,把生态系统和人类活动看作"黑箱",针对每种生态系统服务分别评估其承载力,并根据"短板效应"取最小值作为区域生态承载力。最后以全球重要农业文化遗产"云南红河哈尼稻作梯田系统"核心保护区之一云南省红河县为例对ESECC评估模型进行案例研究。 With the rapid development of technology and economy recently, environmental issues have presented globally and regionally, absorbing more academic attentions on the relationship between humans and nature. Ecological carrying capacity, one of the theories on this issue, reflects the extent of nature withstanding human activities, and is instructive to mitigate environmental problems and achieve sustainable development. However, compared with resources carrying capacity and environmental carrying capacity appeared before, ecological carrying capacity is more complex and integrated, and is one of the most sophisticated topics in ecology.Nowadays, the research of ecological carrying capacity mostly focuses on assessing the degree of regional sustainable development, which deviates from the original research purpose of carrying capacity, the limits of growths. Meanwhile, attempting to solve all the problems in the process of regional development, such as resources crisis, environmental pollution, ecological degradation, and so on, ecological carrying capacity becomes the research tool of research regional"natural-social-economic"complex system, which can be understood as regional carrying capacity. This paper analyzes the connotation of ecological carrying capacity in the view of ecosystem, and researches ecological carrying capacity from the perspective of ecosystem services, returning to the limits to growths, the original research purpose of carrying capacity.Based on review related papers, this paper proposes the concept and assessment model of Ecosystem-Service-based Ecological Carrying Capacity(ESECC) with"ecosystem-ecosystem services-the scale of population and economy(carrying capacity)"as its main line. ESECC is the population and the scale of the economy supported by ecosystem services which is determined by ecological structures, processes and spatial pattern. And ESECC can be acquired by selecting the minimum from all the carrying capacities of every ecosystem service closely related to human beings as regional ecological carrying capacity. In order to choose the types of ecosystem services, this paper classifies ecosystem services into direct ecosystem services and indirect ecosystem services on the principle of the degree of relationship between mankind's activities and ecosystem services firstly, and the first is the types of ecosystem services in ESECC assessment model. Then, based on consumable characteristic of ecosystem services, direct ecosystem services is classified into consumable-direct ecosystem services and inconsumable-direct ecosystem services, and limiting factor in ESECC assessment model mostly includes the first one. Thirdly, according to the usage of ecosystem services currently, this paper chooses seven consumable-direct ecosystem services to assessment ESECC, including food supply, biomaterial supply, core wood supply, freshwater supply, sewage purification, waste gas absorbability,and solid waste accommodation. In the fourth section of this paper, the assessment model is applied to Honghe County, Yunnan Province.
出处 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期1-11,共11页 Journal of Natural Resources
基金 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所"一三五"战略科技计划项目(2012ZD007) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31200376)
关键词 生态承载力 生态系统服务 基于生态系统服务的生态承载力 全球重要农业文化遗产 云南省红河县 ecological carrying capacity ecosystem services Ecosystem-Service-based Ecological Carrying Capacity(ESECC) Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) Honghe Yunnan
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