
V尾伺服弹性试验失稳定位方法研究 被引量:2

Study of unsteady location approaches for V-tail servo-elasticity test
摘要 准确获取飞行器结构动力学特性及气动伺服弹性稳定裕度,是飞行器首飞成功的关键。针对某飞机在伺服弹性地面试验时发生结构与控制系统耦合问题进行了研究,提出了一种获取飞行器的失稳频率和振型的方法。利用加速度传感器采集结构的振动响应,采用随机子空间模态参数辨识方法分析获得飞机伺服弹性地面试验失稳时V尾振动频率和振型,为控制系统修改设计提供方向及气动伺服弹性理论模型修正提供数据。 Accurately obtain the dynamics and servo-elastic stability margin of aircraft, which is crucial for success of aircraft first test flight. Through researching coupling of structure and control system for servo-elastic ground test of an aircraft, a technique is presented for estimating unsteady frequencies and modes of aircraft. Through Acquiring response data of structure with accelerometers and using stochastic subspace identification method to analyze the unsteady frequencies and modes of V-tail vibration when is processing aircraft servo-elastic ground test, which provide direction for updated design of control system and data for updating of aeroservoelastic theoretical model.
出处 《强度与环境》 2015年第3期20-27,共8页 Structure & Environment Engineering
关键词 伺服弹性地面试验 随机子空间法 失稳频率 失稳振型 servo-elasticity test stochastic subspace identification method unsteady frequencies unsteady modes
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