
常规肺通气功能检测在儿童支气管哮喘规范化管理中的应用 被引量:5

Pulmonary function testing in management of children with bronchial asthma
摘要 目的:通过对比支气管哮喘患儿规范化治疗前后肺功能指标的变化,为本地区儿童哮喘规范化管理提供依据。方法采用肺功能测定系统对33例哮喘儿童在急性发作期、缓解期3、6个月及1年分别进行常规肺通气功能测定,比较各期实测值,以及异常比例的差异。结果哮喘患儿急性发作期用力肺活量(FVC)、1秒用力呼气量(FEV1)、最大呼气流量(PEF)及75%、50%、25%肺活量时用力呼气流速(FEF25~75)等实测值与预计值比较均下降,规范化治疗后3个月开始相关指标逐渐恢复,6个月后反映大气道功能相关指标(FVC、FEV1等)基本恢复。1年时反映小气道功能相关指标FEF25~75恢复。结论通过对支气管哮喘儿童肺功能的监测,可以动态观察患儿气道功能恢复情况,为儿童支气管哮喘规范化管理提供客观依据。 Objective To evaluate the application of pulmonary function tests in management of asthmatic children. Methods Thirty- three asthmatic children were recruited from January to October 2012. The pulmonary function tests were per-formed by spirometry in asthma attack period and remission periods of 3, 6 and 12 months. The measured values abnormal rates were compared in different periods, Results During asthma attack the forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), peak expiratory flow (PEF) and forced expiratory flow at 75%, 50%, 25% vital capacity (FEF25, 50, 75) were lower than the expected values. After standardized treatment for 3 months the values recovered gradually. After 6 months of treatment FVC and FEV1 returned to normal;after remission for 12 months FEF25~75 also recovered. Conclusion Lung function tests can be used for dynamic monitoring of airway function recovery for management of children with bronchial asthma.
出处 《浙江医学》 CAS 2015年第12期1070-1072,共3页 Zhejiang Medical Journal
基金 浙江省卫生适宜技术成果转化计划项目(2012ZHB009)
关键词 支气管哮喘 肺功能 儿童 Bronchial asthma Lung function Child
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