以9年生梨枣树(Ziziphus jujuba Mill.)为试材,在无灌溉条件下,通过2种旱作管理技术处理,研究节水型修剪技术和竹节式聚水沟技术对梨枣枣吊、坐果及产量的影响。结果表明:节水型修剪技术与竹节式聚水沟技术的单独及联合实施,均提高了结果枣吊数量及枣吊的坐果能力,提高梨枣的产量;与对照相比,节水型修剪技术(HL)可提高产量83.14%,竹节式聚水沟技术(CJ)可提高产量38.44%,节水型修剪技术+竹节式聚水沟技术(HJ)效果最好,产量可提高155.00%。研究认为,在旱地无灌溉条件下的陕北黄土丘陵区应该以节水型修剪为主,最好结合节水型修剪在林下采用聚水沟措施。
Under the condition of non-irrigation,taking the 9-year-old pear-jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ) trees which grafted on wild jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. vat. spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H. F. Chow. ) as test material, different dry farming technologies were set,which included water-saving type pruning technology,bamboo-type poly ditch technology, and the different effects of each treatment on pear jujube fruitful bearing branchlet, fruit setting and yield were compared. The results showed that water-saving pruning and bamboo-type contour ditch, either singly or in combination, could increase significantly the number of fruitful bearing branchlet, fruit setting and yield. Compared with the control, water-saving pruning (HL) could raise the yield by 83. 14% ,and bamboo-type poly ditch (CJ) could raise by 38. 44%, while the treatment (HJ),combining the HL and CJ technologies,harvested the most and the yield by 155. 00% of the control. In Loess Hilly Regions in Northern Shaanxi, under the condition of non-irrigation, the saving-water pruning technology could play a main positive role in raising pear jujube yield, especially combining the bamboo-type contour ditch technology.
Northern Horticulture